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6. Verbal inflection

There is a range of TAM suffixes, as well as one third person prefix.

6.1 The third person prefix ta-

The only inflectional morphology is a third person prefix ta-. It only occurs on transitive verbs, and seems to be restricted to 3>3 scenarios, i.e. when a third person referent is acting on another third person referent . However, it is not obligatory . Also, it can cooccur with free noun phrases referencing either the A or the P . The conditioning factors for its (non-)occurrence in 3>3 scenarios are unknown. Note that the free pronouns wïrë, mërë and ejnë (4.2) can occur in the same location as ta-, but also on intransitive verbs (see 13).

    1. tainiri ta- ini -ri 3p-see-ipfv
      ‘He saw it.’ ()
    2. inijpë ini -jpë see-pst
      inijpë ini -jpë see-pst
      ‘They saw it too, they saw it.’ ()
    3. asanë a- sanë -∅ 2-mother-pert
      tanëmëse ta- nëmë -se 3p-leave-pst
      mërë mërë 2pro
      nono nono -∅ earth-pert
      ‘Your mother left your land for you to work on.’ ()

6.2 Main clause tense‑aspect‑mood‑polarity suffixes

Verbs in main clauses are inflected for TAMP with a set of suffixes, shown in Table 6.1. They are discussed in 6.2.1; for a detailed overview of past markers see Cáceres & Gildea (2022) .

Verbal TAM suffixes
Suffix Function
-ri imperfective
-jpë past
-se past perfective
-sapë perfect
-sarë imminent future
-nëpëkë progressive (intr)
pëkë progressive (tr)
‑tojpano future
(-tojpe) future
-ja negation
-se-mï obligation
-në impersonal S
-topo ?
Non-declarative suffixes
Suffix Function
‑jrama prohibitive
-i jussive
-kë imperative
-ta motion imperative

6.2.1 The imperfective -ri

  • allomorphy:
  • diachrony: from -ri (4.5.1)
  • plural: kontomo
  • negation: jra , but potentially two distinct etymologies
  • semantics:
    • not specified for tense, only imperfective aspect:
      • past
      • future
      • gnomic/present?
    1. u =yïwïj u =y- ïwïj -∅ 1=lk-house-pert
      yawë yawë loc
      u =senejkari u =-ri 1=stay-ipfv
      sukuri sukuri silently
      jwama   ***
      ‘I silently stay in my house.’ (Conversación sobre la risa entre GrMe y ElPe : 28)

6.2.2 -jpë

  • allomorphy: none?
  • semantics: unclear
  • diachrony: from -jpë (4.5.2)
  • negated with jra
  • plural: kontomo
  1. wïrë wïrë 1pro
    wejyatë wejyatë in_house_of
    këyetajpë =jra -jpë =jra grow-pst=neg
    ‘They did not grow up with me.’ ()
  1. kwase =ne kwase =ne how=ints
    ti ti hsy
    ta ta -∅ say-ipfv
    ‘"How did they come?", s/he says.’ ()

6.2.3 -se

  1. wëjkaja wëjka -ja fall-neg
    ana ana 1+3pro
    tëse -se go-pst
    neke =ne neke =ne cntr=ints
    ‘We didn't fall, we went away.’ ()
  1. tipapëjse =jne tipa -pëj -se =jne go_in_group-plur-pst=pl
    waijta =jne waijta =jne mouse=pl
    ‘The mice went away.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 40)
  1. tipase =kontomo tipa -se =kontomo go_in_group-pst=pl
    wa = wa = thus=emp
    pïrarë pïrarë neg.exist
    ‘They left and were gone.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 30)

6.2.4 -sapë

  1. irë irë 3ana.inan
    wejtane wej -tane cop-cncs
    mujyam =pe mujyam =pe pregnancy=ess
    patakaja -ja take_out-neg
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘Despite this, she did not get pregnant.’ ()
  1. apatakaja -ja come_out-neg
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘Maybe she did not come out (pregnant).’ ()
  1. tayakïjtëja ta- yakïjtë -ja 3p-sleep_with-neg
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘Maybe he didn't sleep with her.’ ()
  1. ësëpëkë ësë- pëkë detrz-about
    ka ka q
    ‘Were they always argumenting?’ ()

6.2.5 -sarë

  • once a converb, now 'imminent future'
  • allomorphy: -charë (2.2.3)
  • negation: ?
  • semantics: ?
  • plural: ?
  1. ta ta -∅ say-ipfv
    ti ti hsy
    ta ta like
    konopo konopo rain
    wejsarë wej -sarë come-imn
    konopo konopo rain
    wejsarë wej -sarë come-imn
    ‘Then they said: “it’s raining, it’s raining”.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 25)
  1. ejnë ejnë 1+2pro
    waimu waimu -∅ language-pert
    wintikasarë wintika -sarë disappear-imn
    ta ta like
    ‘Our language is disappearing.’ ()

6.3 Subordinate Clause markers

6.4 Number

The main number marking strategy for verbs uses the particle kontomo, which usually encliticizes to the verb. It occurs with all major TAM suffixes .

    1. neke =n neke =n cntr=ints
      ti ti hsy
      warota =kontomo warota -∅ =kontomo work-ipfv=pl
      wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
      ‘At the beginning they worked.’ ()
    2. ‘Then they came?’ ()
    3. epese =kontomo epe -se =kontomo escape-pst=pl
      ‘Did they escape?’ ()
    4. irë irë 3ana.inan
      wa wa thus
      tapojtëja ta- pojtë -ja 3p-want-neg
      wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
      irë irë 3ana.inan
      wa wa thus
      ta =jne ta =jne 3pro=pl
      wëpëjse -pëj -se kill-plur-pst
      tëwï tëwï 3pro
      yawë yawë loc
      ‘That's why I didn't want it, that's why they killed them all when they were asleep.’ ()

6.5 Copula / Auxiliary

  • there is (synchronically suppletive) stem allomorphy: chi and wej


  1. add a paradigm of the copula
  2. find potential particles developed from inflected forms: man, wai, manai, etc
  3. are there irregular past/perfect participles? nahkë, etc?
  4. ejnë may come from an inflected form of the copula