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9. Negation

There are a number of negation strategies in Yawarana. The most general negator is the particle =jra, which can negate a number of constructions. It occurs encliticized to transitive and intransitive verbs , nouns , adverbs , and postpositions .

    1. kukuru =jra kuku -ru =jra answer-ipfv=neg
      tëwï tëwï 3pro
      ‘They didn't answer.’ ()
    2. u =yarë u =yarë 1=alone
      wïrë wïrë 1pro
      wïnïkïrï =jra wïnïkï -rï =jra sleep-ipfv=neg
      ‘I did not sleep apart.’ ()
    3. aaa aaa ah
      ijtari =jra i- jta -ri =jra 3-foot-pert=neg
      ta ta like
      ‘Ah, without his legs.’ ()
    4. entë entë here.loc
      ma ma rst
      teijpo =jra teijpo =jra far=neg
      wejtane wej -tane cop-cncs
      ‘Although it is close to here.’ ()
    5. toto toto non_Indian
      waimu waimu -∅ language-pert
      yaye =jra yaye =jra loc=neg
      ‘Not in Spanish.’ ()

On verbs, it sometimes occurs with an overt allomorph of -ri , sometimes its zero allomorph, shown in .

This variation is found in other contexts as well, but the conditioning factors of the deletion are currently unknown (see 6.2.1). However, in the case of jra, it may occur for a different reason entirely. Historically, a verb suffixed with *-rï and followed by a particle *pïra was a distinct construction from a verb with an adverbializing negative suffix *-pïra and followed by a copula (Gildea and Meira 2016, Cáceres 2016).

9.1 Verbal negation

9.1.1 -ja

-ja is pluralized with the postverbal particle kontomo. It is the negative counterpart to -se.

9.1.2 -jnari

  • very rare
  • etymology unknown
  • occurs on verbs
  • never preceded by TAM (?)
  • occurs with -po
  • likely cognate in Tamanaku

9.1.3 -jrama

  • prohibitive
  • coexists with V=jra COP-kë
  1. nwa = nwa = thus=emp
    =tëpëtiri =-ri 2=go(PLUR)-ipfv
    tëpëti =jra -∅ =jra go(PLUR)-ipfv=neg
    sejkë be.imp
    ‘You're going to go like this? Don't go like this.’ ()

9.1.4 Others

  • -kempïnirë
    • can this be analyzed as something other than a single suffix?
  • ‑yaponeg.purp

9.2 Nominal negation

9.3 Negative nonverbal predication

  1. pïrarë pïrarë neg.exist
    ti ti hsy
    iwenaru i- wena -ru 3-vomit-pert
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘their vomit was not there.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 19)

9.4 Other negation