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7. Postpositions


7.1 Defining the category

  • monomorphemic vs bipartite (vs 'stacked')

7.2 Inflectional morphology

Postpositions take the same inflectional prefixes as nouns (4.3.1), in addition to a third person prefix të-:

Person marking prefixes on postpositions
_C _V
3 t- të- / i-
NP y-
  1. wïrë wïrë 1pro
    tase ta -se say-pst
    tëpana të- pana 3-dat
    ‘So I told her.’ ()
  1. ana ana 1+3pro
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ïmparë =jra ïmparë =jra already=neg
    ‘We were with him for a long time.’ (Historia personal por AnFo : 48)
  1. tëjrama -jrama go-proh
    sejkë be.imp
    u =pëkëpene u =pëkëpene 1=alone
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    tëri -ri go-ipfv
    ‘Don't go, I will go alone.’ ()

7.3 Derivational morphology

7.4 The postpositional phrase


7.5 Locative Postpositions

  • clear bipartite Ground+Path
  • unproductive Bipartite X+Path?
  • other forms
Locative postpositions
all loc
inside yaka yawë
aquatic ? ?

  • further postpositions:
    • poye 'above'
    • po 'locative'
    • yatë 'locative'
    • yapo 'negation'?
  1. tichikimuru t- ichikimu -ru 3-knee-pert
    peti   ?
    wa = wa = thus=emp
    patakasapë -sapë take_out-pfv
    pana pana dat
    ‘His knee, his leg went out towards Ayacucho.’ ()

7.6 Nonlocative oblique postpositions

7.7 Misc

  • chi combines with yawë, sometimes spelled chi yawë, sometimes chawë.
  • postpositions on bare verbs? (e.g. wejtawë)
  • plural: kontomo
  1. chayi chayi son
    muku muku child
    tase ta -se say-pst
    ta ta like
    makë makë mom
    pano pano fmr
    ya ya erg
    ‘"Sons, daughters" said my late mother.’ ()