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5. Verbal roots and stems

5.1 Classes of verbs

Yawarana verb roots can be divided into those yielding an intransitive stem, and those yielding a transitive stem. The only inflectional criterion distinguishing the two classes is the third person prefix ta-, which only occurs (optionally, see 6.1) on transitive stems. Thus, transitive yawanka takes ta- , but intransitive yaruwa does not .

    1. iyawë i- yawë 3-loc
      tayawankase ta- yawanka -se 3p-kill-pst
      ‘Because of this, he killed her.’ ()
    2. yaruwa =kontomo yaruwa -∅ =kontomo laugh-ipfv=pl
      yatum yatum day
      ponoko   ***
      ‘They laugh every day.’ (Conversación sobre la risa entre GrMe y ElPe : 42)
  • potential additional verb classes:
    • detransitive
    • ditransitive
    • "n-adding"
    • accidental lability
    • irregular 'to go'
  • all transitive verbs are C‑ or i-initial because of the fossilization of y-
  • said y‑ disappears when preceded by the detransitivizer

5.2 Verbalizing suffixes

None of these are productive, although there are many lexemes derived with them.

5.2.1 Intransitive

TBD: Introduction -ta / -na

-ta derives intransitive verbs (Table 5.1).

Lexemes derived with *-ta*
Base Derivation
suku sujta
kaimo kaimota
yoko yokota
wereyi wereyta
wanapu wanaputa
sakau sakauta
roko rokota
punu punta
pikë pikëta
pichipichi pichipichita
naki nakita
muku mukuta
moto motota
moroni moronta
mesuku mesujta
këmu këmuta
konopo konopota
kawono kawonota
chëkëy chëkëyta
chimichimi chimichimita
chikë chikëta
awochi awochita
asere asereta
aijkorono aijkoronota
ajpachi ajpachita
akï akïta -pamï / -mamï

5.2.2 Transitive

TBD: Introduction -ka

-ka derives transitive verbs. -jtë / -të -ma / -pa

5.3 Valency-changing affixes

TBD: Introduction

5.3.1 Detransitivizing prefixes

5.3.2 Transitivizing suffixes

  • -ma
  • does -ka go on intransitive verb stems?

5.3.3 Ditransitivizing suffixes

5.4 Meaning-changing suffixes