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13. Simple verbal clauses

  • the minimal verbal clause consists of a single verb
  • only inflectional morphology is (optional) ta- (6.1), compare with
  • personal proclitics can occur on verb ; no transitive 1+2 attested
    • usually express P, 2A attested
    • wïrë and ejnë rarely cliticized
  • arguments can be expressed by pronouns or nouns / noun phrases
  • "free" order
  • clausal particles?
    1. epese epe -se escape-pst
      ‘They got away.’ ()
    2. yakaramaja -ja tell-neg
      ‘They didn't tell.’ ()
  1. tayakaramaja ta- -ja 3p-tell-neg
    ‘They didn't tell it.’ ()
    1. u =yïwïj u =y- ïwïj -∅ 1=lk-house-pert
      yawë yawë loc
      u =senejkari u =-ri 1=stay-ipfv
      sukuri sukuri silently
      jwama   ***
      ‘I silently stay in my house.’ (Conversación sobre la risa entre GrMe y ElPe : 28)
    2. aniki aniki who
      ta ta like
      u =yeremari u =-ri 1=feed-ipfv
      ‘Who was going to feed me then?’ ()
    1. tototomo toto -tomo non_Indian-pl
      pata pata -∅ village-pert
      yaka yaka all
      =tëja = -ja 2=go-neg
      ‘You don't go to the creoles' village.’ ()
    2. = = -∅ 2=kill-ipfv
      wïrë wïrë 1pro
      ya ya erg
      ‘I will kill you.’ ()
  1. ej =wintikatojpano ej =wintika -tojpano 1+2=disappear-fut.concl
    moneka moneka girl.voc
    ‘We will be finished, daughter.’ ()

13.1 Person proclitics

  • Second person A
    • marking A in
    • subordinate clauses and
    • is 'learn' transitive?
    1. michi michi med.anim
      ma ma rst
      =yapëjjrama =yapëj -jrama 2=grab-proh
      ‘Do not touch this.’ ()
    2. =inija =ini -ja 2=see-neg
      ka ka q
      aniki aniki who
      warai warai like
      yichapë   ***
      okonotojpe   ***
      ‘You have not seen a fish that is put on to dry.’ ()
    3. tëwï tëwï 3pro
      ma ma rst
      takï takï cnfrm
      =yakarama =-∅ 2=tell-ipfv
      chijpë chi -jpë cop-pst.acnnmlz
      wara = wara = thus=emp
      kwa kwa how
      ta ta like
      sënkatoj -toj finish-circ.nmlz
      mëtë   ?
      ‘Tell us again how they ended up there.’ ()
  1. = = -∅ 2=kill-ipfv
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    ya ya erg
    ‘I will kill you.’ ()
    1. mërë mërë med.inan
      wa = wa = thus=emp
      =yënëtojpano =yënë -tojpano 2=eat(meat)-fut.concl
      ka   ?
      u =yakërë u =y- akërë 1=lk-with
      mërë mërë 2pro
      wepïrï wepï -rï come-ipfv
      ‘So for you to eat you came with me?’ ()
    2. =yakarama =-∅ 2=tell-ipfv
      mare mare rel.inan
      ‘What you are talking about.’ ()
    1. kwase kwase how
      ejnë ejnë 1+2pro
      waimu waimu -∅ language-pert
      yaye yaye loc
      ‘How you learned our language.’ ()
    2. kwaraijyawë   ***
      tajto taj -to say-circ.nmlz
      marë marë rel.inan
      ti ti hsy
      ‘Afterwards, when did you learn what you say?’ ()
  1. mërë mërë 2pro
    ya ya erg
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    inija ini -ja see-neg
    wejtane wej -tane cop-cncs
    ‘Although you won't see me.’ ()
  1. mërë mërë 2pro
    ma ma rst
    ejnë ejnë 1+2pro
    waimu waimu -∅ language-pert
    yaye yaye loc
    =waimuru =waimu -ru 2=speak-ipfv
    ‘Only your speak in our language.’ ()
  • First person A
  1. u =yepematojpe u =yepema -tojpe 1=pay-purp
    pïrarë pïrarë neg.exist
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    inawë inawë have
    ‘I can't afford to pay.’ ()
  • Transitive local scenarios
    1. entë entë here.loc
      =inpo =jra =in -po -∅ =jra 2=see-des-ipfv=neg
      wïrë wïrë 1pro
      ya ya erg
      ‘I don't want to see you here.’ ()
    2. =ini =ini -∅ 2=see-ipfv
      wïrë wïrë 1pro
      ya ya erg
      ‘I will see you.’ ()
    3. tëwï tëwï 3pro
      ke ke ins
      ma ma rst
      =yepema =yepema -∅ 2=pay-ipfv
      wïrë wïrë 1pro
      ya ya erg
      ta ta -∅ say-ipfv
      ti ti hsy
      ta ta like
      ‘"I'll pay you only this," he said.’ ()
  • one attested case of ta- on the lexical verb of a -pëkë construction w/ 2nd person a on aux
    • zero-marked third person on transitive verbs with 1a or 2a
  • one example of 2a’ on imperative verb
  • *t‑V‑se is no more — the t‑ is gone, except in lexicalized items

  • only free first person pronouns with V-initial verbs:

  1. tëwï tëwï 3pro
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    inija ini -ja see-neg
    ‘I didn't see that.’ ()
  1. takï takï cnfrm
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    ëmpamïja ëmpamï -ja learn-neg
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    tase ta -se say-pst
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    ‘Since it was like that, I did not learn, I said.’ ()
  • unmarked third person:
  1. neke =n neke =n cntr=ints
    ti ti hsy
    warota =kontomo warota -∅ =kontomo work-ipfv=pl
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘At the beginning they worked.’ ()

13.2 Intransitive clauses

13.2.1 First person

  1. Preverbal pronoun
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    yaruwari =jra yaruwa -ri =jra laugh-ipfv=neg
    ‘I don’t laugh.’ (Conversación sobre la risa entre GrMe y ElPe : 4)
  1. Postverbal pronoun
    këyaja këya -ja think-neg
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    ‘I don't know.’ ()
  1. Preverbal pronoun and prefix
    aaa aaa ah
    u =sukuru u =suku -ru 1=urine-pert
    morone morone hurting
    ta ta like
    wïrë wïrë 1pro
    u =sujta u =-∅ 1=urinate-ipfv
    ta =ne ta =ne like=ints
    ‘My urine hurts, I will urinate.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 23)
  • not attested: prefixed verb followed by pronoun

13.2.2 Second person

  • not attested: pronoun

13.2.3 Third person

  1. Zero
    wïnïjse wïnïj -se sleep-pst
    ‘He slept.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 6)
  1. Preverbal NP
    tëwï tëwï 3pro
    nwajtëri nwajtë -ri dance-ipfv
    ‘Then the mice were dancing.’ (Cuento de las ratas por AnFo : 16)
  1. Postverbal NP
    wepïrï wepï -rï come-ipfv
    makë makë mom
    ‘My mother is coming.’ ()
  1. Preverbal pronoun
    tëwï tëwï 3pro
    ‘He was dancing.’ ()
  1. Postverbal pronoun
    takï takï cnfrm
    chapëtiri chapëti -ri squeal-ipfv
    tëwï tëwï 3pro
    ‘Yes, he also shouts that.’ ()
  • has an irregular third person marker ij-:

13.3 Transitive clauses

There are several factors that play a role here:

  1. presence or absence of prefix
  2. presence or absence of pronouns and NPs
  3. order of free arguments
  4. presence or absence of ya

13.3.1 Third on third

  1. preverbal pronoun with ya
    tëwï tëwï 3pro
    ya ya erg
    nepïjpë nepï -jpë bring-pst
    wejsapë wej -sapë cop-pst
    ‘He brought it.’ ()